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Legends Untold [VXA]

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RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9

A man's life has been filled with sorrow. Now he has the chance to bring those responsible to justice. What if, however, there was more than a king and a country responsible for his woes?Y

A man named Eldrax has joined a rebellion against the crown of Thoran. His training has been for one purpose: assassination. What if even this attempt will not bring those responsible to justice? The forces at work are bigger than he ever imagined. The end of his quest will not only bring him truth, it could destroy him in the process.


RPG Maker Ace

The world of Gilia has five continents, each with their own kingdoms, cities, towns, and dungeons. There are also several islands that fill the sea. The game's first chapter takes place on the Continent of Ruyn.

Continent of Ruyn
Spoiler for:
Ruyn has three countries: The Northern Republic, Thoran, and Beaton.

Thoran is a theocracy with three cities: Liaf, Loran, and the Capital City Thoran. The king rules with an iron hand and oppresses his people. Most are forced into his fields to grow crops to export for neighboring Beaton, while others are trained as soldiers who make raids on the Northern Republic. The purpose of these is to gain more land for the Kingdom of Thoran. The merchants who travel back and forth from Thoran to Beaton benefit from the King's rule, but those who are oppressed are ready to throw off their chains.

Beaton is a city/state governed by an elected official. The Governor has been aware of Thoran's oppression but has done little as his country benefits from the goods they import from Thoran. The peace is kept by a strict police force known as the "Red Guard." It's been questioned who has more power: the Governor or the Commander of the Read Guard. While the middle and upper class lives a life of ease, the lower class is underpaid and pushed the the side, forming a slum area of Beaton. The lower class make up the majority of the work force, but they don't complain much because of their own ways of governing, mainly the boss of the underground black market.

The Northern Republic is lead by a group of five known as "The Elders." The cities of this nation are Weyfield, Conny, Seagate, Breywood, and Kaybluff. Only Weyfield and Seagate are larger cities, the rest serve as smaller farming or traveler's communities. Weyfield is the capital of The Northern Republic. Though relatively peaceful now that the raids from Thoran have ceased, a struggle with the Church of the Sun may cause the nation to be plagued with political intrigue.

Continent of Redact
Spoiler for:
The most technologically advanced continent in the world of Gilia.  They have been able to harness power from crystals that are made from areas of concentrated magical streams. Most cities are mining communities, but the large capital of Taystone is a beautiful city full of technological advanced as well as the meeting place of the High Council of Engineers and the Citadel of Enlightenment, a prestigious school of engineering.

The continent is split into three distinct regions.  The north is coved in snow and ice bunt still harbors great crystal resources by an inactive volcano.  The east is grassy and the most please area to live in, therefore this is where the capital city Taystone is located. The west is most barren wastes on the surface, but underneath the mountains are deposits of the coveted crystal and thus where the mining communities are located.

As of late, there has been growing bitterness between the miners and the engineers, with neither feeling appreciated by the other.

Notable mining communities are: Reton, Pegate, and Legrove.

Holy Empire
Spoiler for:
A large continent which several countries used to share and have within the last three decades have formed one empire.   The emperor rules from the City of Lights.  The location of the Church of the Sun's High Priest is to the east of this city.  Each former country sends a representative to sit on the council of the emperor.  The current leader of the Holy Empire is Godrich, the son of Heldrich "The Unifier" who brought the empire together.  Major cities are all former capitals and therefore each trying to be as grand as the other in appearance: Arwold, Clestone, Porton, and Detrion, the home of the Church of the Sun.

Most citizens here idolize their local priests and have come close to deifying the current High Priest of the Sun, Lord Peratin.

Continent of Iradan
Spoiler for:
The magical continent of Iradan is home to the College of Magic.  Unlike the Dark Continent, the magic stream that ebbs and flows through this land is inviting and warm.  Those that practice magic within this continent find their abilities enhanced due to the energies that can be found here.

The capital city: Iradroth is a mystical place, filled with wizard's towers and arcane workshops.  The Master Wizard resides here, always close to the college he or she oversees.  The Callers also find their home here, but their location is less conspicuous than the floating stone and masonry that make up the College of Magic.

The majority of the other cities on this continent either supply food and other necessaries to the College or at the very least house smaller "off campus" schools where younger witches and wizards can train without having to travel to the actual college or pay the high tuition.  Those of prestigious skill are given scholarship and transportation to the school and live there under the tutelage of a mature witch or wizard. 

These cities include Drakon, Terabeth, Opa, and Fi' Trarion.

It is said though, that in the darker caves of Iradan, things creep and crawl in the darkness that few would ever actually admit to seeing for fear of being accused of insanity.  Sometimes witches or wizards travel to these caves in the dead of night and emerge (hopefully) days later bruised, burned, and weary but refuse to speak of why they went and what they found.

Dark Continent
Spoiler for:
A most uninhabited continent, save for the worst criminals who are sent there to rot in Helmund's Bastion.  This fortress is a maze of prison cells, execution chambers, and guard bunks.  Only the roughest guards are sent here to guard the most dangerous criminals.  The best any prisoner sent to this hole can ever expect is to be left alone and forgotten.  The alternative is routine torture and cruel to the death tournaments. 

The only other known inhabitants of the Dark Continent are the members of the Cult of the Burning Star.  It is believed that demons are able to roam the land free due to the high concentration of magic stream.  The fanatical members of the Cult worship these demons as gods.

Only the very brave or the very stupid would ever willingly venture to the Dark Continent.

Spoiler for:
Church of the Sun -
The major religion. Focuses on the creator who made all things, and now resides in the sun, blessing the people of the world.
There is an organized capital of the church with a high priest of the sun. His authority is limited to his priests as he is unable to make laws for his people. He may, however, order priests who are duty bound to follow his orders.

Paladins of the Sun
An all female force, as there was a decree a thousand years ago that no man may serve the High priest. This 100 strong female force serves the high priest with unwavering loyalty.

Knights of the Darkened Blade
An unofficial assassination squad of the Church of the Sun.  Tasked with destroying powerful demons and those that call them from their spectral plane.

Imperial Blades
The army of the Holy Empire.  They are strong in faith and their allegiance to the emperor.  Usually younger men earning money for their families at home.

College of Magic
A place for learning the arts of destructive magic. Found on the continent of Iradan. Students enroll as young as six and are trained until they can sufficiently master channeling the steams of magic through a suitable staff. As such graduates range from as young as 9 to as old as 89.

The college is lead by the Master Wizard, one who is able to control the elements and defend his position every seven years. The epic duel that takes place between the challenger and the current master is often long and deadly. The loser is often killed or at least incapable of normal existence afterwards.

Those who take delving into the streams of magic so seriously that they are willing to enter the plane of demons to increase their power. Generally a reckless but powerful group of witches and wizards.

The Red Guard
The police force of the city/state of Beaton. Lead by the Commander of the Guard, these individuals are often strict and will go to any lengths to keep the peace as well as a slice of the power to rule Beaton.

The Silver Suns
A gang operating under the nose of the Red Guard. They often steal whole shipments of cargo coming into Beaton and sell them to the lower class at inflated prices as the local shops often discourage the poor to shop at their establishments. This cycle makes the poor poorer but the Silver Suns also claim to protect their portion of Beaton from Red Guard influence, allowing a certain amount of illegal activity in order for the little guy to get by.

The Kings Guard
King Thoran XII's personal army. Loyal to the crown no matter the atrocity required of them, these men are rewarded great treasures in return for doing the king's dirty work. They fight not because the cause is right, but because the money is good.

Army of Thoran
The common man of Thoran is drafted into the kings army to serve for a ten year stint. To refuse to serve is to be forced into hard labor and have your family imprisoned. The serve is to die at the hands of the king's enemies for seemingly more and more absurd causes.  More recently the force has been mobilized to attack The Northern Republic in bloody sea battles.

Rebel Army of Liaf
Those who have rejected the crown and are betting their lives on a desperate bid to usurp King Thoran XII. Among them are former Ling's Guard and members of the Army of Thoran as well as those to young to be drafted or old enough to have already served (and survived) their term of service.

High Council of Engineers
The ruling party of Redact.  Their main concern is the mining of a rare crystal that gives them the power of an advanced technology.  With this they are able to produce the first airships, as well as other mechanized wonders.  The council is overseen by the First Engineer, who serves both political leader and developmental director of any new technology.

Redact's Finest
The army of Redact uses guns more than spears or sword or bows.  The only thing stopping them from being a suitable power is the their weapons are not as stable as they would like and are often able to deal more damage to their allies than to their enemies.

Gunner's Lances
A group of experimental airship pilots who are trying to perfect the art and war of airships.  The survival rate is going on two months; much improved from the original span of two weeks.  Gunner is the lead airship pilot (by right of living the longest) and because of his brilliant understanding of flight.

Helmund's Bastion Guard
Either they have no reason to stay around civilized people or enjoy the punishment of criminals, these guards are merciless and cruel themselves.  They find pleasure in the torture of their inmates and seek to make the lives of those they guard miserable to the point of death or suicide.

Cult of the Burning Star
A cult that worships demons.  They are found on the dark continent and consist mostly of those who have fled the prison of Helmund's Bastion.  Lead by a mysterious man who keeps his face covered at all times and is only known as "The Prophet."

Spoiler for:

Name: Eldrax
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Background: Eldrax was born in Liaf. He was a commander of a squad of soldiers in the Army of Thoran until a great tragedy struck. Since then, he has desired nothing than for the King of Thoran to be brought to justice for his actions against his people and against Eldrax himself. His past makes him quiet, yet he will speak up to ensure that others' lives have more joy than his own.
Weapon: Sword
Class: Soldier
Likes: Peace and Quiet
Dislikes: Other's hardships

Name: Fera
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Background: Fera is a witch in training. She's soon to complete her final assignment to become a graduate of the College of Magic. A unfortunate turn of events landed her on the continent of Ruyn. She needs to return to the College in order to complete her task and finish her training. She's quit clumsy when not casting spells and her words spill out of her mouth before she really thinks about them.
Weapon: Staff
Class: Witch
Likes: Adventures, Explosions
Dislikes: Studying, Serious People

Name: Po
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Background: Po was born at sea, grew-up at sea, and now calls the sea his home. He is a sailor of fortune. Po seeks gold above all else and is willing to let others be sacrificed in his desire to get rich quick. Unfortunately he also has bad luck in most "business" transactions and ends up owing lots of people Gold. He also has a drinking problem, a gambling problem, a debt problem, a woman problem…
Weapon: Double Pistols
Class: Pirate
Likes: Gold
Dislikes: Heroics, Prison

Name: Gilliam
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Personality: Eldra’x younger brother who fled the continent of Ruyn looking for a quieter life. He blames Eldrax for several of their shared tragic events and believes bad luck follows his elder brother wherever he goes. He has taken up being a body guard for caravans traveling between the College of Magic and the Capital of Hominster. It's not his preferred line of work, but it allows him to support himself and read a book during off time.
Class:Body Guard
Likes: Books, Writing,
Dislikes: the unexpected, being late

Lydyn from rpgmakerweb for extensive playtesting
Enu's Ace Battle Engine
Modern Algebra's monster catalog
Avadan's Ship Tileset (found http://www.rpgmakerv...howtopic=13141)
Music downloaded from www.freeplay.com and is royalty free.

Spoiler for:

Enu's Ace Battle Engine
Non RTP music
Hidden cut-scenes
Multiple places to explore
Non-linear side quests


3/16/2012 Thread Updated
3/17/2012 Settings Updated/Organizations Added
3/17/2012 intro bug fixed where screen didn't fade back in
3/20/2012 added support tag
3/30/2012 BUG fixes.  I mean a ton.  Download link reflects these.
4/4/2012 Fixed Download Link. Enu's sideview battle system implemented.
11/27/2012 Download now from dropbox. Enjoy!
12/19/2012 Quest Journal Implemented
12/22/2012 - bug fixes

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« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 03:58:50 AM by bluntsword »

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
Is this game complete?

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Seems quite interesting. Downloading it now.

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Is this game complete?

Not by a long shot.  Looking at a chapter approach.  This is chapter one and I hope to finish chapter two some time after GIAW.

Seems quite interesting. Downloading it now.

Thanks! I love critique and welcome feedback!

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
The extraction failed when I tried it, but I will try again shortly.

Level 64
2012 Most Unsung Member2012 Best NewbieFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots

This looks like another game I'm gonna have fun playing ;D

Question: Your game is called 'Legends Untold' but your demo project is called 'The Quest' ... Why?
All of my scripts are totally free to use for commercial use. You don't need to ask me for permission. I'm too lazy to update every single script post I ever made with this addendum. So ignore whatever "rule" I posted there. :)

All scripts can be found at: https://pastebin.com/u/diamondandplatinum3

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
The extraction failed when I tried it, but I will try again shortly.

Sad.  Let me know if the problem continues and I'll have words with filefactory.  Maybe the compression didnt work well?

This looks like another game I'm gonna have fun playing ;D

Question: Your game is called 'Legends Untold' but your demo project is called 'The Quest' ... Why?

Began by just making a project, then it turned into a substantial game which I in turned posted here.  And i don't know how to change it.  Any suggestions?

Level 81
Began by just making a project, then it turned into a substantial game which I in turned posted here.  And i don't know how to change it.  Any suggestions?
When you go into database, under the 'System' tab there is bar titled 'game project' which lets you change the name. :) It is right above the vehicles!
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Project blog:

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RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Began by just making a project, then it turned into a substantial game which I in turned posted here.  And i don't know how to change it.  Any suggestions?
When you go into database, under the 'System' tab there is bar titled 'game project' which lets you change the name. :) It is right above the vehicles!

Thanks ecut. I tried that but the compressed file still came out as the quest. Perhaps it's be just as easy as changing when I save it or when I compress it.

Edit: right click. rename file. done.  :o
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 02:17:36 PM by bluntsword »

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Bump, and fixed the download where it should extract normally now.

Level 66
RMRK Junior
I tried to download the first chapter of your game, but it says that the file has been deleted or that it has expired.
addled = confused

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The Voice of the Gods

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Well that's just unacceptable! I'm looking into it.

Updated the link. Should be working now.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 01:22:06 AM by bluntsword »

Level 56
RMRK Junior
I don't know if this is still being maintained, but I went to download your game and I can't seem to actually get a download. When I click your link, it takes me to your file sharing page, but the only clickable element is trying to get me to pay for a premium account. I cannot find where I'm supposed to go to actually download your game.

I support:

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Try scrolling to the very bottom

Level 56
RMRK Junior
Try scrolling to the very bottom

I honestly can't find it. It has the title of your game file at the top, then a long list of ads for premium services, then the terms of conditions and other page bullcrap. No download. And the name of your file is not clickable.

I support:

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
I'll get it taken care of!

Level 64
2012 Most Unsung Member2012 Best NewbieFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots
I don't know if this is still being maintained, but I went to download your game and I can't seem to actually get a download. When I click your link, it takes me to your file sharing page, but the only clickable element is trying to get me to pay for a premium account. I cannot find where I'm supposed to go to actually download your game.

All of my scripts are totally free to use for commercial use. You don't need to ask me for permission. I'm too lazy to update every single script post I ever made with this addendum. So ignore whatever "rule" I posted there. :)

All scripts can be found at: https://pastebin.com/u/diamondandplatinum3

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Fixed the download link. It's now downloadable from dropbox. I'll do my best to work on Chapter 2 soon.

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Bumpity Bump.

Implemented MA's Quest Journal to help with game direction. I could really use some play testing to see how that helps/hinders. Any takers?

Level 76
Praise the Sun (Arcana)
GIAW 14: 1st Place (Hard Mode)
I'll download the demo tomorrow morning, I'm surprised I hadn't already downloaded.

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Thanks! Let me know how it goes. I want to get all the chapter one kinks out before I devote a lot of attention to chapter two.

Level 55
Infected with the sickness.
Bah! Cant believe I missed this! Im downloading right now! :D

Edit: Really enjoying this so far! Im gonna play some more tommorow though.

Some things I noticed while playing though:

The item and skill icons are not set in the correct way. By that I mean, my weapon has an icon of a carrot etc, etc and same goes for most items. The weapon animation is also misplaced, during combat.

Also, I think that the quests should be moved too completed quests when they are finished.. I found it kind of annoying to have them visible at my 'all quest' tab, after completion, but might just be me :)

You could also try and make your ogres pack a bit easier (if they arent supposed to be the strongest packs in the area ofc), but I found that the poison and attack power was really heavy when I met them in packs of 3.
(especially when being level 1).

Other than that, Im looking forward to play More! Supporting this!  8)
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 01:57:45 AM by Dizturb3d »
Can you feel that?..

                                    My Current Project:

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RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9

The mighty warrior defending justice with his trusty carrot. Awesome. Ill work on that. I don't think I changed the icon set but I'll look again.

Thanks for the feedback! And...ogres? Do you mean goblins? Yes the goblins are suppose to be tough. All you should be seeing at level one is mushrooms, bees, and spiders. Unless you go into the forrests but someone in the city was suppose to warn you about that :-p

Edit - so I went and checked. I experienced no carrot phenomenon. Also the items had the appropriate icon. I'm not sure what happens but ill keep checking.

Also, you know you can press left/right in the quest menu to show only active/complete/failed quests? Try that out.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 04:00:14 PM by bluntsword »

Level 64
2012 Most Unsung Member2012 Best NewbieFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots
Just a gift before the world ends my jolly good sir :V

All of my scripts are totally free to use for commercial use. You don't need to ask me for permission. I'm too lazy to update every single script post I ever made with this addendum. So ignore whatever "rule" I posted there. :)

All scripts can be found at: https://pastebin.com/u/diamondandplatinum3

Level 55
Infected with the sickness.

The mighty warrior defending justice with his trusty carrot. Awesome. Ill work on that. I don't think I changed the icon set but I'll look again.

Thanks for the feedback! And...ogres? Do you mean goblins? Yes the goblins are suppose to be tough. All you should be seeing at level one is mushrooms, bees, and spiders. Unless you go into the forrests but someone in the city was suppose to warn you about that :-p

Edit - so I went and checked. I experienced no carrot phenomenon. Also the items had the appropriate icon. I'm not sure what happens but ill keep checking.

Also, you know you can press left/right in the quest menu to show only active/complete/failed quests? Try that out.

Seems like the iconset was a problem from my part. For some odd reason, the game wont show the default RTP iconset. I have a custom set in my maker, and thats why the icons are displayed differently. Maybe you could add the correct iconset into your project, and that would work. Im not sure why the default iconset isnt showed since I thought they automaticly was taken from the RTP maps in the VXACE folders..

Ye, I know. What I meant was that the completed quests will still appear under the category "all quests", and I just found that kind of annoying since it feels like they should be out of the way when they are completed. If Its intended to be like that, then nevermind :)

And yes, sorry I meant the goblins. And I almost figured that they were supposed to be the biggest threat up to that point. Guess I most have missed the warning, so thats my bad once again ;)

So I guess adding the iconset to your project will prevent this pretty weird issue in the future (Since it for some reason added my own custom iconset instead of the one you are using in your project)

Anyway, I really enjoyd it so far! :D
Can you feel that?..

                                    My Current Project:

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